NAME: John Abruzzi
LOCATION: General Population, A-Wing, Cell 96
CRIME: Murder (2 counts) Conspiracy commit murder (2 counts)
SENTENCE: One hundred and twenty years
TIME LEFT ON SENTENCE: 117 years, 6 months.
ELIGIBLE FOR PAROLE IN: Inmate is not eligible for parole

Former Chicago mob boss, John Abruzzi, is arguably the most infamous prisoner currently incarcerated at Fox River Penitentiary. That celebrity has translated into power inside the walls. Other inmates, even murderers, defer to Abruzzi in prison-related business. While the correctional officers enforce the rules, it wouldn’t be an exaggeration to say that John Abruzzi runs the prison.

Abruzzi was finally convicted of two counts of murder and two counts of conspiracy to commit murder after decades of eluding punishment from Illinois district attorneys. Otto Fibonacci provided eyewitness testimony at Abruzzi’s trial, which convinced the jury to convict Abruzzi of rubbing out two rival gangsters. Abruzzi subsequently put a hit out on Fibonacci, forcing Fibonacci to enter the Witness Protection Program. Abruzzi has been overheard expressing how desperately he would like to know Fibonacci’s whereabouts.

Inmate has logged visits from Philip Falzone, a “business associate;” Anthony Smallhouse, another “business associate;” Sylvia Abruzzi, his wife; Nicole Abruzzi, his daughter; John Abruzzi, Jr. his son; and Brian Knowlton, business manager. Inmate is rated Grade C and is approved for work on Prison Industries.




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